Friday 14 December 2012

A few photos more from Alappuzha.

                              This was our lovely little place at Lake and Paddy resort.........

We had a few visitors..........

And saw these three when we were out and about........

Preparations for a Christian festival.............

And some more of the friendly Keralans............


  1. cosy place....
    nice guests...
    and again the white-skin-thing...(christian st florian?)...damn this...
    i always tried to tell how much the white-skinned-people love to have brown, sun-burned skin...
    but same same, in india or other places your skin is the lighter when you don#t have to work hard, and in europe/us, your skin is the darker when you have lots of free time you can spend it comes up to the same, expression of monetary wealth...

  2. Looking good. Much more fun and picturesque than Mumbai. Long may it continue. Boy you really looked the part. Dad
